Plant oil fuels, also known as vegetable oil fuels are almost carbon-neutral (over 90% reduction in CO2 emissions on a life cycle basis), they reduce particulate emissions, are renewable, and support farmers and local communities. In Canada, almost all the fuel used is used Canola oil, sourced from local restaurants once it has reached the end of its useful life as deep fryer oil. Canola is an excellent rotation crop that preserves soils and nutrients. Canola seed is normally crushed with the meal going for animal feed, and the oil going for a variety of uses - including renewable biofuels such as unadulterated, simple low energy input renewable pure plant oil fuel.
To use plant oil fuel in a diesel engine requires a heated fuel system, including a separate heated tank and filter. Switching valves are also required. We supply all of these. Settling and filtration of the oil is all that is required in terms of processing. We also offer filter bags, pumps, and filtering systems for this purpose.